

Gus Presa | President of WWSA

Name:Gus Presa
Age: 47 (nacido en 1969)
Address: Sevilla (España)
Occupation: Geógrafo (Network development, ENDESA)
Waveski since: 2005 (Sit On Top, 2003)
website: http://www.waveski.es/
Favourite break: Caños de Meca (Cádiz, Andalucía, España)

Olá Gus. Diz-nos... como foi esta tua candidatura e vitória para a presidência da WWSA?
Realmente no hubo tal candidatura. Surgió de forma natural, me propusieron el reto de liderar un cambio y simplemente acepté. La gente votó y salí elegido.
Quiero resaltar que considero mi presencia en esta posición dentro de un enfoque de trabajo en equipo (apoyándome en un comité muy fuerte) y con un horizonte temporal limitado, hasta que los más jóvenes se vean con la confianza de asumir ellos mayores responsabilidades.

Já eras um dos vice-presidentes da WWSA. Estava nos teus planos chegar ao topo da hierarquia?
En 2014 (Durban) me llevé una gran sorpesa al ser propuesto y elegido como vice-presidente. En 2016 (Santa Cruz) se repitió la historia, esta vez para el puesto de máxima responsabilidad. Por lo tanto, la respuesta es no, nunca planeé llegar a esta posición.
Simplemente se dieron las circunstancias para ello y acepté el reto y la responsabilidad que conlleva.

Sabemos que estás a re-organizar a tua equipa de trabalho. Quais as principais novidades?
Hace relativamente poço tiempo que hemos acabado el Mundial, y todavía hay mucha gente de viaje y/o recuperándose. El primer paso es realizar un buen traspaso de responsabilidades y roles. Una vez comuniquemos públicamente la composición del nuevo comité, podremos empezar a trabajar de forma autónoma. En cualquier caso, como principales novedades (que no las únicas), destacar la entrada en el equipo de nombres tan conocidos como Ian MacLeod, Clement Guilbert, Adam Harvey, Savannah Campell, Miguel Fernández (vice-presidente por España, al haber ganado la organización del próximo mundial)… También destaco el “fichaje” de Alizée Forestier para llevar temas relacionados con el “website y social media”. Este aspecto lo considero básico para promocionar la modalidad y lo trabajaremos de forma muy intensa. Y qué decir de los nombres que siguen, Doug Copeland, Pablo Arroays, Virgile Humbert o Marcus Thompson. Que aportan la experiencia a este grupo con tanto potencial.

E sobre o futuro da WWSA... que planos tens?
En primer lugar, hay que aprovechar el tirón del último mundial, donde acudieron 91 participantes siendo muchos de ellos muy jóvenes. También tuvimos por primera vez la modalidad de waveski adaptado y la categoría femenina creció en número de participantes. Ahora toca consolidar esta tendencia, crecer en esta línea. Por otra parte estoy contactando con los representantes nacionales, y se ve un gran entusiasmo y movimiento en la zona del continente americano, así que es otro foco de atención y seguimiento, una vez que en Europa parece que ya se ha generado una masa crítica aceptable. Tampoco nos olvidamos del hemisferio sur (entendiendo como tal a Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica), donde históricamente siempre el waveski ha tenido gran presencia.

Al margen de las consideraciones anteriores, decir que prestaremos especial atención a tres pilares fundamentales,
• Jóvenes
• Mujeres
• Waveski adaptado
Hay grupos de trabajo específicos para el desarrollo de los aspectos anteriores.

También trabajaremos en mejorar aspectos como el “seeding”, haciendo este proceso lo más transparente posible, teniendo un ránking publicado y permanentemente actualizado. Finalmente (aunque hay muchas otras cosas que no estoy citando), decir que una de las cosas que quiero aportar es la posibilidad de consultar nuestra información oficial en varios idiomas. No solo en inglés, si no también en español, portugués y francés (esto como mínimo)

Jackie Dillon esteve 17 anos na WWSA sendo presidente nos últimos sete anos- Que balanço fazes do seu trabalho?
Antes de entrar a valorar este aspecto, vaya por delante el agradecimiento (personal) por haber puesto todo de su parte para que la transición en la presidencia haya sido tan buena. También destacaría la impecable organización del área documental que nos deja en herencia. Además, como su trabajo ha sido tan riguroso y de tanta calidad, nos marca unas pautas que seguiremos. Todos sabemos la importancia que Jackie ha tenido en la WWSA y esperamos seguir contando con su experiencia y valiosos consejos. Queremos agradecerle los servicios prestados con alguna sorpresa que en breve anunciaremos.

Como vês o futuro do nosso desporto?
Ya comente antes que el éxito indudable del Mundial 2016, con 91 participantes, nos hace pensar que hay potencial y que estamos creciendo. Esto sin duda lo vamos a aprovechar y se tiene que reflejar en 2018, con una mayor cifra de participantes y, sobre todo, en los apartados de jóvenes, mujeres y atletas “adaptados”. Así que, contestando a tu pregunta, veo un buen futuro, sin perder la perspectiva de que somos y seguiremos siendo una modalidad minoritaria.

Sei que és um visitante assíduo a Portugal :) O que te traz tanta vez até nós?
Realmente surfeo más en Portugal que en España. Esto es debido a la relativa cercanía de mi lugar de residencia (Sevilla) con un entorno muy favorable para practicar nuestro deporte. La zona de Sagres (Algarve) la tengo a tres horas de coche, así que muchos fines de semana se me puede encontrar por allí. Hay que tener en cuenta que la temporada de olas en el Sur de España se limita a cinco meses (de octubre a febrero), con lo que la opción más sólida suele ser Portugal. De todas maneras ya no son solo las olas. Disfrutamos mucho con el ambiente en general, la amabilidad de la gente, los paisajes, la gastronomía…

E sobre 2018 em Pantin... mais uma grande conquista para o waveski ibérico!
Este ha sido un tema que ha llevado directamente el equipo de Dani Pérez e Iván Pena. Sabemos que el logro no es ajeno al estupendo trabajo desarrollado en los años precedentes, con todas la ediciones del Xtreme Pantín y, muy especialmente, el Mundial de Kayaksurf que organizaron en 2015. Así que tenemos una organización de calidad contrastada y una zona (Galicia) con olas de calidad e infraestructura suficiente para que los participantes y acompañantes tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de un evento inolvidable. Si te digo la verdad, me emocionó más el hecho de que Pantín fuera elegida sede del próximo Mundial que la sorpresa de salir elegido presidente. Ahora tenemos que aprovechar la oportunidad y hacer algo realmente grande entre todos.

Últimas palavras...
Agradecerte la oportunidad de presentarme en público a la “waveski family” (cómo me gusta este término) y decirte que te agradezco personalmente el esfuerzo que siempre haces en pro de la modalidad. No descubro nada si te digo que muchas veces lo he tomado de ejemplo.

Obrigado Gus e todo o sucesso para a WWSA :)



Gus Presa | WWSA President

Gus Presa was born in 1969, deputy in Seville and is a Geographer. He’s sportsman from an early age as a basketball player, he awakened years later to waves, and in 2003 he began surfing waves with a sit-on-top kayak. Two years later, he had his first waveski and ... never stopped! In the middle, he launched the website waveski.es where he publishes all his surfing as well as news related to the sport. He loves to surf in our country - where he is a presence more than usual in all our events - but his favorite spot is in Caños de Meca (Cadiz, Andalusia). He has surfed several countries and participated in several waveski worldwide and this year he took another step towards defending and passion for the waveski as he assumed the presidency of the World Association. In short, we have more than enough reason to talk to the new president!

Hi Gus. Tell us ... how was your candidacy and victory for the presidency of WWSA (World Waveski Association)?
In fact, there was no application. It came about in a natural way. They proposed to me the challenge of leading change, and I simply accepted it. People voted and I was elected. I want to point out that I consider myself to be in this position based on teamwork (leaning on a strong committee) and with a limited time horizon until the younger ones see each other in confidence to take on more responsibility.

You were one of WWSA's vice presidents. Was it in your plans to reach the top of the hierarchy?
In 2014 (Durban, South Africa), I was surprised to be proposed and elected as vice president. In 2016 (Santa Cruz, Portugal), the story was repeated but, this time, for the position of greater responsibility. So the answer is no. I never planned to reach this position. The circumstances were simply created for this and I accepted the challenge and the responsibility it entails.

We know you're reorganizing your workforce. What are the main news?
The first step is to carry out a good transfer of responsibilities and charges. Once we publish the composition of the new committee, we can start working autonomously. Ian McLeod, Clement Guilbert, Adam Harvey, Savannah Campbell, Miguel Fernandéz (Vice-President of Spain, who will be organizing the next one), are the main innovations (and not the only ones). World), among others. I also note the confirmation from Alizée Forestier that will collaborate with the WWSA website and our social networks. I consider this aspect essential for the promotion of the modality and we will work it very intensely. We can not forget other names like Doug Copeland, Pablo Arrouays,Virgile Humbert or Marcus Thompson that bring much experience to this group with so much potential.

And what about the future of WWSA ... what plans do you have?
First of all, it is necessary to take advantage of the legacy of the last world-wide one where 91 athletes participated, being many of them young people. We also had the adapted waveski for the first time and the female category grew in the number of participants. Now it is time to consolidate this trend and grow in this horizon. On the other hand, I am contacting the national delegates and there is a great enthusiasm and movement, particularly in the American continent. This is another focus of attention since, in Europe, an acceptable critical mass seems to have been created. Nor have we forgotten the southern hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) where, historically, the waveski has always had a great presence.

Apart from the above considerations, I say that we will pay special attention to three fundamental pillars: young people, women and adapted waveski. There are specific working groups for the development of each of these areas.
We will also work on improving aspects such as seeding and making this process as transparent as possible and based on a published and permanently updated ranking.
Finally, and there are still a number of aspects that I am not quoting, I say that one of the things I also want to develop is to make it possible to consult our information in several languages. Not only in English, but also in Spanish, Portuguese and French (it's the minimum).

Jackie Dillon has been 17 years at the WWSA as president for the past seven years. What do you do with your work?
Before I begin to appreciate this aspect, I would like to express my thanks (personal) for doing everything to make this presidency transition so good. I also highlight the impeccable documentary organization that leaves us as an inheritance. Moreover, since your work has been so rigorous and of such quality, it will only inspire us to do so. We all know the importance that Jackie has had in the WWSA and we hope to have your experience and valuable advice. We want to thank you for the services provided with a surprise that we will soon announce.

How do you see the future of our sport?
I have already mentioned that the undoubted success of the 2016 World Cup, with 91 participants, makes us think that there is potential and that we are growing. We will undoubtedly enjoy this fact and will have to be reflected in 2018, with a greater number of participants and, above all, in the classes of young people, women and athletes adapted. In this way, and answering your question, I see a good future, without losing the perspective that we are and will continue to be a minority modality.

I know you're a frequent visitor to Portugal :) What brings you so much to us?
In fact, I surf more in Portugal than in Spain. This is due to the relative proximity of Seville (where I live) and because I find very favorable conditions for the practice of our sport. The area of Sagres (Algarve) is a three hour drive, so there are many weekends where you can find me there. It should be taken into account that the wave season in the south of Spain is limited to five months (from October to February), hence the most robust wave option is Portugal. Either way, it's not just waves anymore. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole environment, for the kindness of the people, landscape, gastronomy ...

And about 2018 in Pantin ... more a great achievement for the Iberian waveski!
This is a theme that directly involves the team of Dani Pérez and Ivan Pena. We know that all the excellent work that they have developed in previous years with the editions of Xtreme Pantin and, especially, the Kayaksurf World Championship 2015, for that they contributed. Thus, we will have a confirmed quality organization and a region (Galicia) with quality waves and sufficient infrastructure so that the participants and companions have the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable event. To tell you the truth, I was more moved by the fact that Pantin was chosen as the host of the next Wavesi World, rather than by the surprise of being elected president. Now we have to seize the opportunity and do something really great among everyone.

Last words...
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to introduce myself to the whole "waveski family" - as I like to affirm - and to tell you that I thank you personally for the effort you have always made in favor of the sport. It will not be new if I tell you that I have taken it many times as an example.

Thank you Gus! Congratulations and all the success for WWSA